
Sneakers. Cheap. Automatic.

What more do you want to hear? 📣 How about: Don't pay anything until you got em? 🔥
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We'll get you the shoes for a small fee, and you only pay after we place the order.
10% Order Fee
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Direct Shipping
Get your authentic shoes straight from the retailer.
No Shoes, No Loss
We only charge you after placing your order.
Secured payments
We accept major credit cards.
Just Added
Our goals
We’re learning how to become a new kind of company.
Buy with Trust
Your shoes come straight from the retailer, we won't get between you and your kicks.
Save the Planet
Shipping shoes on second hand sites adds extra pollution – help us counteract that.
All in One Place
Stop ruffling through 10 websites 5 minutes before the drop, we got you.
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